Thursday 29 November 2012



Language is how we communicate vocally. There are various barriers to effective communication between people, such as English slang, speaking with an accents, another is speaking different languages from different countries for example: English, French, Spanish, and Italian etc. Also when a person communicates with the other they may not know if they understood what the person has said in exactly the way they intended, so it is important to ask the listener for their feedback to check that their message was clearly understood. Another barrier is when communicating and it is not said exactly the way that it was planned so therefore would lead to total confusion and misunderstanding and would have wasted time. If the sender lacks specific information about something then the person listening may not understand as they would receive an unclear message. The advantages for communicating in different languages are: you are able to communicate with people from other countries. The disadvantages to this is if you speak slang then it would be difficult for people to understand because you are using different words and phrases that they do not understand. Also if you cannot speak another language when there are foreign people in the audience you are talking to, they would find it difficult to understand what you are saying. Therefore language can be difficult when trying to communicate with people when they do not understand.



Distractions are when you cannot focus your mind on one particular thing because there are other noises or activities going on around you which divert your attention, for example in a meeting a mobile phone ringing, or someone comes in late, or when you are trying to communicate with someone and you or the other person loses concentration and start thinking about other things.  Things going on outside could also divert your attention such as children could be playing outside if it’s their break time or road works making noises. Other distractions for example if an E-mail message or letter is not formatted properly, or if it contains grammatical and spelling errors, the receiver could find it hard to understand what you have written. Distractions permit people getting easily distracted and cannot focus; having distractions around you would not help people to focus.




Noise is a disturbance that interferes or prevents information spoken from one person to another. Noise can be a distraction when trying to speak, read or listen. For example you are trying to read but there are people talking loud in the background or making a noise, it would be difficult to read, or if you are listening to someone and someone maybe speaking louder in the background such as in a class room it would be hard for both the person trying to listen and the person trying to speak, or when people at school are changing classes. Noise is when you are trying to listen to someone and you are not able to hear because there is a noise in the background, which could drown out the person’s voice, and therefore would not be able to hear the person speaking.




Lack of concentration

Lack of concentration mean you are not able to focus in a particular activity. For example you are listening to someone speaking in an assembly at school, but you cannot concentrate and you lose focus so you start to get bored or in an I.T job you are trying to help a customer, but the customer is angry so they choose not to listen due to selective hearing, therefore would not remember anything you have said.. To improve on your concentration you could right down notes to help you concentrate on the person speaking. If a reader is not focussed and not interested in the message received the reader might read the information hurriedly and not take any of it in. The disadvantage of lacking concentration is that when you are communicating with someone whether it be speaking or listening you do not focus enough and may lose interest.

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